In 1992, Denise began performing the title role of Always...Patsy Cline in the East Coast premiere at Piccolo Spoleto in Charleston, SC.  After an initial fall tour in the southeast, she appeared in San Diego, CA for the West Coast premiere. For thirteen years Patsy was her signature role. 





The Post and Courier, May 27, 1992

"Always...Patsy Cline" obviously built around a young lady who sings up a storm as Patsy Cline herself. The lady's name is Denise Hillis, and her voice is a beautiful, rousing country mezzo, with enough tears in it to make Beniamino Gigli turn green. ("Always...Patsy Cline" is) one of the biggest hits of the Piccolo Spoleto series.  Robert Jones, Spoleto critic


USA Today, June 4, 1992

It hasn't been a great year for the current Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston, S.C. Ticket sales are down and reviews have been less-than-enthusiastic. However, one show festival's adjunct Piccolo Spoleto has been consistently selling out: Always...Patsy Cline, a musical biography of the legendary country singer...


Greenville, SC - Edge Magazine, June 11, 1992

Denise (Hillis) portrays the singer with all the style and grace you'd imagine. Her voice is pure and perfect, and she flashes her million-dollar smile like a true country superstar...Simply wonderful.  Michael B. Smith


Charleston's Free Time, September 2, 1992

Denise Hillis is Patsy Cline! Her outstanding portrayal of the legendary country-western singer mesmerizes the audience with her style and poise. Hillis' down home and folksy persona is thoroughly refreshing. Sandra Katz


Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 4, 1992

(Denise) Hillis is no twin of the pudgy, pretty Patsy, but she's close enough: brunet (sic) and buxom. And she's got that trademark catch in her voice down to where she can produce 17 solid knockoffs of Cline songs...  Roderick Robinson


Creative Loafing, September 12, 1992

The talented Hillis replicates Cline's distinctive quality quite nicely. Fans of the music will certainly relish her renditions of "Walkin' After Midnight," "I Fall to Pieces" ...She's a terrific vocalist...   Bert Osborne


San Diego Union-Tribune, April 9, 1993

...Denise Hillis sings the Cline songs with a robust, nimble voice richer than the Cline recordings...but the genial, naive personality Hillis projects on stage fits easily into Cline's image...Cline's stature blooms again every time Hillis starts singing...the country-pop belter who inspired the show and her worthy successor who performs the stuff of dreams.  Welton Jones


Los Angeles Times, April 10, 1993

...We...get 22 Cline songs, richly and passionately sung by the talented Denise Hillis. The songs crackle with pain and power...the performance by Hillis as Cline...(is) deft.  Nancy Churnin


Daily Aztec, San Diego, April 14, 1993

...It works as entertainment, thanks to the sassy performance from...Denise Hillis as Cline...Hillis' voice rumbles through the theatre and shakes the rafters.  Scot Hart


San Diego, Gay and Lesbian Times, April 15, 1993

Only with such stellar support could Denise Hillis take the lead and run, which she does with great articulation, control, presence and fortitude. She was a very convincing Patsy.  Michael Rivero


Encinitas, Blade-Citizen, April 16, 1993



Denise Hillis portrays Patsy Cline, and she does a magnificent job of capturing Cline's phrasing and inflection without trying to mimic Cline.  Hillis is a splendid singer/performer in her own right and her renditions of the Patsy Cline favorites...are thoroughly enjoyable.  Pat Stein


San Diego Jewish Times, May 6, 1993

Denise Hillis...has a deep, resonant voice that is spellbinding. When she sings, it's best to sit back and just let it all sink in...She is a beautiful young woman with a memorable voice...